
etCalendar is a web-based calendar and email reminder system.

The calendar portion is written using PHP and MySQL.

The reminder portion is written using Perl and MySQL.
You need to be able to schedule the reminder module to run
daily (using CRON for example). You can use etCalendar
as a web based calendar without the reminder module.


etCalendar Features


etCalendar Screens

Calendar View:

Month List View:

Year List View:

Add/Edit/Copy Form:


etCalendar Demonstration

The demostration is a public calendar (viewable by all) but you
can specify a calendar as private (requires login).

To be able to add add/modify/delete events on the Demo calendar
you will have to login using one of the following Username/Password

If you would like to see a demonstration click here.


etCalendar Status

etCalendar is still in development.

Date Version Comments
2002-10-29 0.0.5*
  • Added month links to navigation bar to quickly jump to a month during the year.
  • Added a "today" link to jump to the tag to show the information for "today". Works for both Calendar(Grid) View and List View.
  • Added a Year List View by clicking on the year.
  • Added support for events that repeat annually.
  • Added links to the included Event Lists in the list of Included Event Lists.
  • Use overLIB javascript library to provided nicer popup event details from the Calendar View. This only works for newer version of IE, Netscape and Mozilla.
    Popups by overLIB!
2002-09-09 0.0.4  
2002-08-04 0.0.3  
2002-08-28 0.0.2 Added functionality to allow viewing multiple event lists in a calendar/list view.
2002-07-17 0.0.1 The user front end is pretty much complete but I'm still working on the administrative functionality.

* This version is not completed yet. Intermediate versions are labeled with lower case letters at the end of the version numbers.


etCalendar Known Limitations


etCalendar Contact Information

For more information please contact me at


etCalendar © 2002 Richard Carver (